Clouds of the Day - April 29, 2020
/Stratocumulus often form in a cool moist air mass. Low level air is moist while the air above is dry. Blue sky is usually seen above the stratocumulus. Temperatures were in the upper 50s this afternoon with wind gusts near 50 mph.
This photo shows a nearly continuous layer of stratocumulus. Except for the lumpy bases, which is a feature of cumulus, these clouds have the look of stratus. The combination is called stratocumulus.
Here is another example. these clouds look much like stratus but observing more closely we see rounded cloud bases in the lower right and upper left.
This is a good example of stratocumulus. The clouds have some vertical development but their bases are much broader than the vertical cloud height.
Here are a More classic stratocumulus cloud. These clouds show a definite layered look but with the vertical look of small cumulus. The result again is stratocumulus.
Another nearly solid layer that looks more like stratus except for the lumpy bases. Once again we have stratocumulus.
Finally, in this photo the couds show their cumulus side very well. There are definite puffy cells but they are mixed into a layer with little vertical height compared to its vertical extent. That makes them stratocumulus.
Cumulus clouds - By evening this is all that remained. Temperatures were cooling so updrafts were weakening with only small cumulus left over.
A few minutes later the cumulus clouds were even smaller. The sky cleared just after sunset.