Clouds of the Day - Sunday, June 21, 2020
/This was a day with a large variety of cloud types - all with their own story. Text will be added to tell the story.
cumulus congestus (congested cumulus) group
altocumulus/altostratus (part cellular and part stratus layer)
Cumulus and cumulus mediocris under an altocumulus layer (mediocre size cumulus)
Cumulus congestus
Altocumulus above developing cumulus congestus
Cirrus above ragged cumulus fractus
cumulonimbus with cap cloud
Cumulonimbus close-up
Arcus - shelf cloud with laminar banding above
Remnants of the arcus viewed from underneath. Red glow in the distance is apparently from an opening or thin cloud layer in the distance. This photo looks north. The Sun had already set in the northwest about 20 to 30 minutes before photo was taken.