Clouds of the Day - Labor Day, Monday, September 7, 2020
/Cirrus this morning with streamers of ice crystals precipitating from the clouds. Notice the jet contrail?
This is a close-up of ice crystals streaming from cirrus floccus clouds. Floccus look like tufts of wool. The floccus here were dissipatting as the ice crystals fell out of the clouds.
A lower layer of Altocumulus moved overhead by early afternoon. This incidated a shallow layer of slightly unstable air in the midlevels.
Another look at ice crystal streamers during the early afternoon.
Cirrostratus was evidident most of the day. This photo shows a thick layer but filtered sunshine weas reaching the ground.
Here are more streamers of ice crystals. The crystals appear to be moving horizontally aloft with upper level winds.
By late afternoon lower altocumulus clouds appeared at around 9,000 feet. This indicated more moisture and instability in the midlevels.
Altostratus undulatus (mid-level stratus with embdded waves) in the evening.
This is a close-up the altocumulus. Waves are evident in the clouds with the waves arranged in rows.
Altostratus undulatus (mid-level layer cloud with waves) in the evening.
Altostratus undulatus (Mid-level layer cloud with waves) in the evening.