Sky Color Changes at Sunset
/It is common to see color changes to the sky around sunrise and sunset. Instead of blue sky the sky glows yellow or red bathed in light from the Sun.
The Sun was low on the western horizon when this photo was taken on the evening of September 17, 2022. The camera was looking to the south, so the SUN WAS to the right of this photo. Contrast this photo with the one below. Photo copyright 2022 by Craig Johnson, Weather Briefing, LC. Cedar Falls, Iowa.
This photo is looking slightly north of west. It was taken abour 1 mINUTE LATER. The Sun is LOCATED BEHIND THE TREES AT THE LOWER LEFT OF THE PHOTO. iNSTEAD OF THE BRIGHT YELLOW GLOW IN THE FIRST PHOTO THE COLOR HERE IS VERY PALE AND WASHED OUT.. Photo copyright 2022 by Craig Johnson, Weather Briefing, LC. Cedar Falls, Iowa.