Clouds of the Day - Stratus - Friday, October 13, 2023

Stratus is one of ten principle cloud types. It may be found at all of the three main cloud levels - low, middle, and high. Stratus is a layer cloud. Instead of being found in individual cells it is usually a broad cloud that is much wider than it is tall. In the low levels, such as you see in the photo below, it is simply named Stratus. In the middle level between 6,500 feet and 20,000 feet it is named Altostratus. At high levels, above 20,000 feet, it is called Cirrostratus.

The only precipitation associated with Stratus might be drizzle from a Stratus in the love levels below 6,500 feet above sea level. Otherwise it is a non-precipitating cloud type. If you see a cloud like the one in the photo and it is raining, the cloud type is Nimbostratus.

Photo copyrighted by Craig Johnson October 2023