Clouds of the Day - April 27, 2023 - Cirrostratus and Cirrocumulus

Cirrostratus are not necessarily inspiring. This sheet-like cloud of ice crystals flows with high level wind streams above 16,000 feet. It is mostly found much higher where temperatures do not rise above freezing.

The three photos above illustrate Cirrostratus. The first photo shows only Cirrostratus. As one of the 10 principal cloud types, it creates an unmistakable milky sky. The lower photos include Cirrostratus but also Cirrocumulus and Cirrus fibratus. There are also two CONTRAILS (Condensation Trails) made of water vapor and ice in the the lower photos.

Cirrostratus are not beautiful like Cirrus uncinus and other Cirrus. Cirrostratus are not not always found in large sheets-like the clouds seen in the top and lower left photos. But Cirrostratus regularly visit the skies of the mid-latitude temperature zone. They can put on quite a display of beauty at sunrise and sunset when coloration from the rising and setting Sun bath them in red and yellow. It is then that they may be inspiring.