Clouds of the Day - Thursday, June 15, 2023 - More Smoke
/Smoke covers much of the northern two-thirds of the Eastern United States. It shows up very well on the satellite images below. The top photo shows the smooth gray to brown smoke. The sky over these areas looks hazy and in areas where the smoke is at ground level visibility is reduced. The second photo shows the Upper Midwest with a widespread layers of smoke covering the region.
Satellite images courtesy of NOAA/NESDIS/STAR. Click HERE to go to the website.
The chart below shows surface wind streamlines this morning. The arrows indicate a snapshot of the wind direction. Notice the large expanse of no streamlines from the central and southern Great Plains to the Upper Ohio Valley. Look at the surface observations in that region. Most of the weather stations indicate no wind (The station circle does not have a ‘flag’ showing the wind speed and direction.). Also notice the streamlines pointing away from southeastern Canada into the ‘dead zone’ of no wind. Smoke has been collecting in that area.
This chart is plotted by Digital Atmosphere Software available from The title in the lower left is placed by Weather Briefing, LC.