Clouds of the Day - CONTRAILS in the Sky - Monday, March 11, 2024
/This morning CONTRAILS (Condensation Trails) graced the sky to the east and from the north. CONTRAILS are made of condensed water vapor that have formed a trail of tiny cloud droplets and ice crystals. The ice crystals can remain in the sky for long intervals if the air is not too dry. Some of the trails spread into Cirrus or Cirrostratus clouds while others take on the puffy cellular look of cumulus type clouds in long narrow bands. Sometimes streamers of ice crystals are seen trailing below the CONTRAILS as they fall into slower moving air. If they fall into faster moving air the streamers will curl down and ahead of the CONTRAILS. If they trail or lead at 90 degree (or other) angles the wind is moving the CONTRAILS perpendicular to the path of the trail.
North-South moving aircraft left the Eastern sky filled with CONTRAILS.
Looking Northeast.
Looking to the northwest.