Mid-day Weather Map


The map was plotted by Digital Atmosphere: http://www.weathergraphics.com/

The seasons are changing. The surface weather map at 1900Z (1:00 p.m. CST) shows the polar front stretched from California to Colorado, south to Texas, east through the Gulf States, then northeast off the cost of Canada and east of Greenland. An Arctic front is backed up against the mountains in western Canada south and east to Lake Winnipeg and northeast across northern Hudson Bay. The coldest air is behind the Arctic front where temperatures fall into the teens, single digits, to below zero. North of the polar front is a broad area of high pressure covering much of the United States. The polar high pressure connects to high pressure with arctic characteristics over the Yukon. Weak low pressure systems are moving along the polar front with  clouds and precipitation. The Arctic front is forecast to spread southeastward into the Upper Midwest, across the Great Lakes, to New England.